
Created a completely biodegradable alternative to plastic based on wasted potato starch: Terra-Plast®. The project’s unique value proposition is modification, where a series of proprietary additives can be applied to significantly alter Terra-Plast®’s mechanical, thermal, and optical properties.


  • Created a B2C proof of concept: The Good Pod®, making laundry eco-friendly and PVA-free

  • In the process of filing for a provisional patent, securing the exclusive rights to produce Terra-Plast®


An entrepreneurial program that helps students develop and scale their businesses. They host a new venture competition where two TRSM students can win $25,000 each and have recently begun a mentorship program for high school students to turn their interests into businesses.


  • Building the world’s #1 University-based Business Incubator (DMZ)

  • National Top 5 Team, ACE National Exposition 2022

  • +65 events


Focuses on improving financial literacy within the Toronto Metropolitan student community. Through various workshops, students can learn how to budget, invest, file taxes, and save. While the financial world can be overwhelming, this learning lessens the stress students feel when dealing with money.


  • TMU’s largest financial literacy program

  • 49 Workshops

  • 4,000+ attendees


Dedicated to empowering women facing vulnerability by providing them with the tools of knowledge, self-assurance, and mentorship. They are empowered to discover their passions and create their own businesses.


  • Distributed $500 in total funding to women entrepreneurs

  • 5 women-led startups launched

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